How to prevent mold in your storage unit
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Renting a storage unit has a great number of benefits. First of all, you will have more space in your home. In addition to this, you will know that your belongings are in a safe place and that they are at your disposal at any time. However, what you should pay special attention to is how to prevent mold in your storage unit. Here are some pieces of advice on how to do this properly.
First of all, make sure you protect your items
If you want to prevent mold in your storage unit, one of the things you should do is to protect your belongings. This means that you should keep them off the ground. In this way, even if sometimes there happens to be some water, it will do no damage to your items.

For example, for this purpose, you can use wooden pallets. This is a great solution- after getting in touch with storage Rockville MD, get some pallets, and start organizing your storage unit.
Your belongings should be 100% dry
An old saying can describe this- ‘one bad apple spoils the whole bunch’. Basically, this means that if there is only one item that is damp, it can make great damage to other items. The humidity level will be increased significantly and you will soon find mildew and mold on your belongings. In order to prevent this from happening, you should make sure all of your stored items are completely dry. This should be especially the case if you are storing surfboards, swimming gear, and other similar items. Rent a storage unit at Excalibur Moving and Storage and you will maybe even get some more pieces of advice on the matter.
Check humidity level regularly in order to prevent mold in your storage unit
Last, but not least, you should check humidity on a regular basis. The important thing you should know is that indoor humidity should never exceed 50%. There are two ways in which you can check the humidity level. First of all, you can ask the professionals to do it for you.

On the other hand, you can always do it by yourself. This means that you can install a relative humidity gauge inside the storage unit. By doing this, you will always know whether you should do something on the matter or not. This is especially useful if you are changing your place of residence. You will manage to preserve your peace of mind.
These are the most important things to pay attention to if you want to prevent mold in your storage unit. Once you do this, it will not be difficult for you to organize your storage unit the way it suits you best. Just remember to put the heavier items on the bottom and the lighter ones on the top.