Local moving checklist

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Moving brings excitement and joy. But, it can also be a very stressful experience. Local moves are less complex than those that involve long-distance travel. It requires good preparation. And to start it on time! A local moving checklist is a must. No matter if you are moving just a couple of blocks away, or to another state. That way you will stay organized and focused. It will sure make your life easier.

Good preparation and a local moving checklist are a lifesaver

The key to successful packing and moving is the organization and preparation on time! But if you are too busy due to work or other reasons moving and storage Washington DC will help you with that! The first thing you should do 6-7 weeks before your moving day is to sort out all your belongings. Go through every room and every drawer, closet. Make an inventory list of your things. This is always the best way to sort out things that had been forgotten in your wardrobe. And also the ideal time to get rid of those long-forgotten clothing items that have been collecting dust for years. There are several ways you can get rid of those things:

  • Organize a yard salePlace ads in your local newspaper, both web, and printed versions. Craigslist as well. If your neighborhood has a Facebook page be sure to post it there as well. Put “Not for Sale” signs or stickers on any statuary, lawn ornaments, planters, or porch furniture just in case.
  • Sell your belongings on the internet –  When it comes to this one you can pretty much sell it anywhere online. eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist are the most popular ones.
  • Donate them to a charity organizationYou can choose several charity organizations where you can drop off your clothes. Goodwill, Salvation Army, Vietnam Veterans of America are among them, and you can check online for their drop off location.
local moving checklist
Make a checklist so it will be a lot easier to organize the move and not forgetting about something.

Also, be sure to contact your children’s school and notify them that you’re moving. Obtain copies of your children’s records. Contact new schools for enrollment and record-transfer procedures.

Your local moving checklist 4-6 weeks before the moving day

In those weeks, the focus is to gather packing supplies, and start packing! One of the most needed packing supplies are:

  • Standard boxes in various sizes are a must for a local moving checklist
  • Bubble bags
  • Packing paper
  • Packing tape
  • Specialty containers, such as wardrobe and dish-pack boxes.
  • Labels
  • Markers

You should start with the items that you rarely use. The items you frequently use should wait until just before moving day. Take a picture of valuables and pack them separately and carry them with you. One of the important things is to label almost every box of its content. So you can keep a running list of each box and know what’s in it. Do not label a box that contains valuables. So you can avoid theft!

declutter your home-on the checklist
Go through your stuff and get rid of the items you do not need.

Be sure to notify important parties of your move. Such as employers, banks, credit card companies, insurance providers, doctors, lawyers, etc. Make a list of everything of value that needs to travel with you on moving day. These items include important records, expensive jewelry, small electronics, sentimental items, and collectibles.

One thing you should also consider is storage. In case your new home won’t be ready when you leave your old one. Research storage options in your new community. Be sure to also check Excalibur Moving and Storage because they will provide the storage unit you need! Try to arrange child/pet-care on your moving day. This will ensure that your move goes smoothly, with less worrying about your kids and pets. Try to arrange two to three field trips so you can explore your new neighborhood. That way you will most likely meet some of your new neighbors. Also, if you want to hire professional movers, now is a good time to search for them and book them as well.

1 to 2 weeks before the big day

You can make a goodbye party when you finish with all the packing.

As you come closer to your moving day you should apply for the parking permits. So you can reserve a parking spot in front of your new home! Notify cable, gas, electric, water, garbage, and phone services of your upcoming move. And schedule end dates for your current services and start dates for new services. File a change of your address. The post office should process your request in a couple of days. And they will start forwarding your mail to the new address.

If you are close to your neighbors you should host a formal goodbye party. It is a good way to relax a bit before you relocate. After the party, you might consider hiring professional cleaners for a complete house swoop! Or you can do it on your own.


A couple of days before the big day, you should pack a “first few days” kit! It should include clothing, towels, toiletries, and coffee-making supplies. Also, pack your valuables and set them aside in a safe place. Call and confirm your movers, just to be safe! Prepare written directions to your new home and hand them to the movers on moving day. Gather your moving day snacks such as power bars, fruit, and bottled water are the best options. The night before your movers arrive, take apart any furniture that needs to be disassembled.

The big day

On your moving day get your kids and pets to their caretakers. Meet your movers and supervise them. Give clear instructions and be available to answer questions. Load your “few days” kit and your valuables in your car. Be sure that they come with you and not on the loading truck. Once all helpers have cleared the area, take a final look around to make sure everything is in good condition and none of your belongings have been left behind. A local moving checklist is something really important! No matter if you want to do the whole process on your own, or hire professional help. Always prepare yourself in time and keep track of everything.

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